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Spring Makeup Inspo

Links to my inspo for my Spring makeup look:

I love playing with makeup and learning and also watching makeup turorials on YouTube. The youtubers that I watch to help me with makeup are: sophdoesnails, JustJodes, Sophie Louise, Zoella and NikkieTutorials. I am aware that most of them aren't professional beauty guru's but they are quite

good at makeup and I wouldn't say that I would do one of Nikkie's makeup looks but she gives the viewers tips and that's what I try use. I am still learning because I'm only 13 but I try. I want to start doing a couple of short clips of me doing certain makeup looks for Spring/Summer so let me know in the comments and also say in the comments what else you would like to see on my blog and don't forget to subscribe so you can see whenever I add to my website.

M xx

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